


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1           No alternative explanation for clinical hemolysis was found.
2 re analyzed, not statistical differences between both crops were found.
3 the pore conductance and two dwell closed times of the pore were found.
4                           No enhancers of the APIP promoter were found.
5 een the aortic diameter and any of the stratified variables were found (all p > 0.05).
6         INTERPRETATION: No evidence of benefit for ketamine was found although the sample size used was small; however, t
7 e PF6) in (CD3)2CO solution: again an excellent correlation was found between the computed deltaNA and the observed T1/2.
8 vity than those with pale testa, and a positive correlation was found between total phenolic content (TPC) and IC50 for d
9                   In multivariable analysis, no association was found between TRT and overall prostate cancer risk (odds
10 veral microRNAs were predicted to bind CircPVT1, only let-7 was found enriched after pulldown of endogenous CircPVT1, sug
11                           Greatest impact on liver function was found in animals with polymicrobial sepsis whereas glomer
12 on of clinically significant prostate cancer, no difference was found in the diagnostic performance of the short MR imagi
13 gg(-1), dry basis, respectively), while their lowest amount was found in the egg-white recipe (3.1+/-0.1ngg(-1) for furan
14                                 Causal copy-number variants were found in 12 patients (11.9%) with multiple diagnoses.
15            At death, as many as 10(10) colony-forming units were found in the lungs, spleen, and liver.
16                                  No significant differences were found in the moral distress total score between physicia
17                     Overall, larger and deeper perforations were found in the skin models with increasing water content.
18 prespecified secondary analysis, no difference in mortality was found (odds ratio, 1.16; 95% CI, 0.89-1.50).
19                                                          It was found that removal of N-glycans prior to enrichment of O-
20                                                          It was found that the dopant migration toward the alloyed interf
21                                                          It was found that the reaction with alpha-substituted five- to s
22                                                          It was found that velocity recovery cycles can distinguish wheth
23                                               Collagen XIII was found to affect synaptic integrity through binding the Co
24                                 Extraction solvent recovery was found to be a crucial uncertainty that may have a substan
25                               In infants, this same variant was found to be associated with cingulate and prefrontal grey
26 trials reported here, once-daily dosing of netarsudil 0.02% was found to be effective and well tolerated for the treatmen
27      Based on the in vitro growth study, MOS-III and MOS-IV was found to be effective in selectively promoting the growth
28                                                Although ARG was found to be essential for ornithine and polyamine synthes
29                                        The prodomain region was found to be intrinsically disordered independent of the a
30                                                 The process was found to be straightforward, high yielding, and highly ef
31 the atrial and ventricular gene sets, and a subset of these was found to cooperate with MEF2A.
32 t the sensitive and Pgp overexpressing resistant cell lines was found to correlate directly with an impact on Pgp-derived
33                                            Garcinone E (GE) was found to exhibit excellent anti-proliferative effects amo
34          An extract of the Texas native plant Amyris texana was found to have selective activity against MDA-MB-453 cells
35                                        Post-PCI FFR of 0.92 was found to have the highest diagnostic accuracy; however, t
36 of PolyPhen-2, SNPs&GO, MutPred, MutationTaster2 and FATHMM was found to perform as well as all tools combined.
37 -dihydro-1H-imidazole-3-oxide-1-oxyl (1) lithium derivative was found to react with perfluorobenzonitrile (2) substitutin
38  for nasal dosage forms and the polymer nanoparticles alone were found to be biocompatible, via the nasal route, on chron
39                              All the studied cycloadditions were found to be concerted involving small free activation en
40                                   High socioeconomic groups were found to be less physically active and consume more fats
41 rmodynamic signatures of the EED aminopyrrolidine compounds were found to be mainly enthalpy driven with improved enthalp
42                                    DLCO, FEV1, and FEV1/FVC were found to be valuable parameters in determining parenchym
43                                             Different terms were found to demonstrate seasonality depending on the countr
44 re review who underwent total-body skin examinations (TBSE) were found to have MBAITs, suggesting a high penetrance in pa
45                     The completed micro-solder-bead bridges were found to have relatively low resistances that were not s
46                                        Four of the patients were found to possess an expanded allele, which was associate
47                   Neurons co-storing glutamate and dopamine were found to project from the primal SNc to the MLR.
48                                                These miRNAs were found to regulate the expression of the proapoptotic Bcl
49                                                SZ offspring were found to show connectivity deficits of the brain's centr
50    Interestingly, siRNAs that selectively reduced CSLC only were found to target genes for cholesterol and unsaturated fa

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